Maya Character Motivation – The Sneeze

Using the reference footage we filmed / directed as a group, I cut down the video to the key actions, and added a time code and frame rate. After this I started thumbnail sketching the keyframes of action, to help understand the body language / poses. This will aid me when animating, to exaggerate the movement to give a clear sense of action.


Squid and Giraffe

Photoshop – brush – character process




Once you have a chosen skeleton to work from, pick it apart, finding all the main shapes. You learn how the creature can and cannot move. After this you can start building on the skeleton, adding muscle mass, giving the creature weight. This make it look more realistic visually, as weight gives it life.





Photoshop tutorial


Fruit(2)End result

Using several different selection tools I cut out the vegetables in the template and  placed them on top of the chopping board.

Selection tools used:


-Magnetic lasso

-Quick selection tool

-Magic wand

-Shape selector

-Color range

Multiple guy

Photoshop TutorialMultiple Guide2

Tasked to experiment using ‘transform’ on Photoshop to create 5 different character poses or creatures using the templates provided.

Tools I used:

-Warp (I used this quite a lot on certain characters, which has created this fuzzy / pixelated outline)








I also duplicated layers – remembering to name each layer – to keep them even more organized I moved the layers into groups. Each group was a different pose or creature.